Sometimes. Drowning Is The Point.
I had a dream. I was traveling north with an unknown companion. The ocean was to my left. I could see the waves were getting higher, the sky darker. I thought ‘It would be so much easier to travel south’. But I knew my destination was north. The water began to overtake the road. So I pulled off to the side to seek shelter in a hospital. My travel companion was furious. She wanted to keep going. I pointed to our car outside the hospital. It was whipped up by the storm. Exasperated, my companion left. Before I could find a safe place in the hospital. I woke up. The dream was unnerving to me. North is synonymous with left. I thought about my place on the lefthand path. The peril of going north as opposed to remaining on the right hand path (the south). After a few days I decided to continue the dream through active imagination. I found myself in the hospital once more. Water rushed in through the massive front doors, quickly filling the lobby. I ran into the wave, ...