2022 Content
I’m currently analysing how to move forward with my content creation for 2022. I will either have a Patreon which will include in depth content (30-40 pages) focusing on particular aspects of western occultism and spirituality, or I will be self publishing mini Ebooks.
My original plan was to generate enough content and views to get my blog Adsense approved so everyone could read my work for free. It was going really well until I started experiencing repeated content theft by a bigger account. I’m not saying this to ‘cancel’ anyone and I won’t name them. There’s always that slight chance it’s coincidental. I had multiple blogs taken and repurposed over a period of weeks. All of this creator’s work focused primarily on my themes and talking points for that time period, so I’m reasonably wary.
Most importantly, this creator was also not respectful of my interpretations taken from my very own personal life experiences like religious trauma and mental illness and occultism. I write on these topics as a peer who can lend helpful guidance without judgement. I wanted to create a safe space and this creator altered it into a hostile community discussion. I refuse to see my work inspire harm.
My occult writings take a staggering amount of research and time to create. I don’t comment on current occult topics or events… these blogs have been a result of independent study and also a lot of hard work curating fresh/unique content. So I’ve decided to really flesh out my work into well cited and comprehensive occult philosophy analysis pieces. If I’m going to be charging, I want to make sure my writing is worth every penny.
My occult writings will be placed behind a paywall of sorts with a copyright © moving forwards. I have a lawyer on retainer and will take legal action for any of my work taken without credit in the future.
With all of this said, I feel like it’s for the best. It will really push me as an occultist and creator. Thanks for being with me while I figure this out