New Moon Magical Deep Cleaning

Every new moon I deep clean my house. Doing ritual work can build up a great deal of energetic debris. Cluttered and dirty spaces can harbor stale and negative energy. New moons are a time to manifest for the upcoming month. Manifestations can be blocked by stale and negative energy. Over the years I have built a ‘New Moon House Cleanse’. This is also a wonderful addition to any protection work you do on your home.

Step One- The Night Before-

Sprinkle salt in all corners, windows, and entry points. Leave overnight, be sure to keep pets away or monitored. Salt pulls in and absorbs any negative energy. I prefer to vaccum the next morning, I do not sweep salt outside as this will salt the earth and kill plants. I simply vacuum and dispose of the salt. 

Prepare all washes. Aside from my regular household cleaners. I have separate, labelled bottles where I mix water and protective/cleansing herbs. You will want to boil and strain the herbs so they do not interfere with the spray mechanism. Place in refrigerator. 

Step Two- Clean Your Entire House-

Clean your house as you would in the mundane sense. Make sure all trash and clutter is removed. 

Step Three- Floors- 

Hard Floors

I sweep all hard floor surfaces. I open a doorway during this step. I make aggressive brushstrokes as I imagine pushing all the old energy off the floor and out the front door. 

Soft Floors-

For carpets, I use a carpet powder. I set my intentions into the powder before I scatter it. You may also mix herbs with the powder. I once again, imagine all the old energy being absorbed into the powder. You may also chant during any of these exercises, it is ultimately whatever works best for you as a practitioner. I personally prefer silent concentration. I then vacuum the powder and dispose of it. Make sure you are always removing old energy after each step. 

Step Four- Walls and Ceilings-

Walls and ceilings are areas which get little to no attention for the most part, but collect a ton of energetic debris. 

Dusting- Using preferably a long handled dust mop, swiftly move it over your walls and ceilings with a similar energetic force which was used in sweeping. The more movement… the more old energy is broken up. Shake out the dust mop outdoors immediately after.

Washing- using your herbal wash, lightly spritz the corners of the ceilings, much like the salting of the floor. You may want to spot test the area beforehand just to make sure the mixture doesn’t react with any surfaces. 

Smoke Cleansing- I personally prefer incense sticks to herb bundles, as the smoke from herbs can cause me some respiratory discomfort. You may chose whichever cleansing herb you prefer (nothing endangered or from a closed practice, unless you belong to the practice of course) move the smoke throughout the room in a counterclockwise motion. Focusing up towards the ceiling. If you prefer to do your entire cleanse in one step… be sure to also open all cabinets and move the smoke through all areas of the house.

Step Five- Surfaces

Surfaces are areas like tables, countertops, desks, and altars. 

Dusting and polishing- Run a dust cloth over all surfaces. Be sure to check for any dust over decorative items as well. Once again, imagine you are lifting all the old energy from the surface as you do so. Immediately put cloth into the wash once this step is complete. 

Washing surfaces- Be sure to spot test again. Spray a light mist over surfaces. Not enough to get anything wet, just slightly dewy. I usually spray at a distance and let the wash air dry, I will wipe down any moisture beads that might occur  

Step Six- Boil Cleanse- 

A boil cleanse is where protective and cleansing herbs are placed into a large cooking pot and brought to a boil. The steam rises into the air and cleanses the home. I prefer steam cleanses to full smoke cleanses. This is once again a preference, as smoke feels more irritating. Before the water reaches the boiling point. Carefully hover your hands over the pot and chant your clearing intent into the water. You will want to monitor the pot, dispose of the remaining water and herbs once it reaches the last inch. 

Step Seven- Warding-

This is an optional step. You may either create your own sigil or use the sigil of a deity or ancient spirit who offers you protection. You may also chant a protection incantation as you do this. On each window in your home, spray a foaming window cleaner. With a gloved hand, draw the sigil into the foam, then wipe down the window. Make sure you also place an offering of gratitude if you chose to work with a spirit. 

Step 8- Shower or bathe- 

You’re done with your home cleanse! In the process of a deep energetic home cleanse… you will definitely pick up a lot of stagnant energy. For those who are sensitive to it… it’s completely normal to feel a overwhelmed or cranky at the end of a cleanse. This is where you’ll want to use your favorite soap and wash your entire body. I do recommend using a ritual soap in this step. It doesn’t necessarily need to be a magical soap, but see if you can find a soap which contains some protection or cleansing herb in the ingredients.

And that is it!! You, and you’re home… are all clean and ready to take on the upcoming moon phases! 

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